There are three main spiritual practices (or sadhanas) we focus on at our centers. Each relies upon the support of one of the three deities pictured in our banner above*: Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara), and Medicine Buddha (Orgyen Menla).
The "Shower of Blessings" by the great Mipham Rinpoche is our main Guru Yoga practice which is centered around the recitation of the Seven-Line Prayer. This practice also includes a Tsog offering, which is a special practice of offering food to the gurus, yidams, dakinis, protectors, buddhas, and bodhisattvas. This is practiced on the 10th day of the lunar month (Guru Rinpoche Day), and on the 25th day of the lunar month (Dakini Day) unless a Dakini practice is held.
The main practice of Chenrezig (Sanskrit: Avalokiteshvara) is “For the benefit of all beings as vast as the skies” by the great siddha Thangtong Gyalpo. This sadhana centers around the recitation of the blessed mantra “Om Mani Peme Hung” which is considered to be inseparable from Chenrezig himself. Chenrezig is visualized above one’s head and lights and blessings are sent out to all of the beings suffering in each of these realms.
The main practice of Medicine Buddha is "The River of Lapis Lazuli" Ritual of Menla taken from the "Sky of Dharmata" Jewel excerpt from the Revealed Treasure "Clear Expanse of the Mind". This is a special practice considered to be especially powerful for healing all kinds of illness, physical, mental, and spiritual.
Medicine Buddha practice occurs on the eighth day of the lunar calendar.
Medicine Buddha
Green Tara practice is also held monthly in Santa Barbara, on the 1st day of the lunar calendar. There are other important sadhanas that we also practice regularly, such as Ngondro (Preliminary Practices), Shakyamuni Buddha Puja, Protector Practices, Fire Puja (Riwo Sang Chö), Nyung Ne (Fasting Practice), T'hroma Chöd; and Dorje Drolö.
For a complete list of events, dates and times, please visit our calendar.
*thanks to Pema Namdol Thaye for the images in our banner.